on the hook
With multi-use and special hooks, you can hang anything you can think of.
Načítám další obsah
V intuitivním konfigurátoru si můžete "naklikat" celý závěsný systém rychle a pohodlně, takže si živě dokážete představit, jak bude závěsný systém v reálu vypadat a fungovat.
Do you want to enjoy sustainable and neaty order in your workshop or garage? Or do you need to present your goods elegantly? You can do all this with Reponio. And much more.
Quality, durability and longevity.Reponio is a trusted Czech brand. Whether you use the hanging system at home for efficient storage or use it daily to display goods, it can easily manage it. We designed it to last.
handy accessories15+
stylish colors200 kg
load capacity per m280 kg
holder load capacity100+ hooks and holders hold everything you find inside and outside. It copes just as well with a light bike helmet as with a robust car roof box.
Choose the color of the panels, that you like or that suits your commercial purposes.
Reponio is the only one on the market to offer you accessories in multiple color variants. Customize your suspension system exactly according to your wishes, down to the last hook.
The Reponio accessory does not move an inch in the panel. Even with daily use, the hooks and holders will stay securely in the grooves of the Hareo panels. In addition, Fortis locks ensure that accessories do not slip even under maximum load.
We install hanging walls throughout the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Germany, and Austria. Contact us for professional installation.
How to install on your own? Watch the detailed video tutorial or download the tutorial here.
Experience the benefits of the original Reponio hanging system in the showroom. We have panels in all colors, all accessories and, above all, a specialist who will advise you.